NEWSLETTER SIGNUP (Latest News And Updates)

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    Basic Shamanic Journey Workshop

    We’re having another power filled Basic Shamanic Journey Workshop on July 17th from 9:30 am to 5pm in Austin, Tx. Come join me and the Compassionate Spirits for a day filled with journeys to the Upper world and Lower world meeting teachers in animal form and teachers in human form. This workshop will pave the

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Shamanic Pet Journeys Investment up front: $220 . This package give you one initial healing journey and two (2) follow up journeys for your beloved pet. Preparing: Be clear about what you are hoping the outcome will be for your pet situation. How it works: I journey to the Power Animal who works with pets

    Mystic Passage

    Hello Everyone, It’s been some time since i’ve written and I’m planning on becoming a more regular writer with information for thriving in these changing times. Below is an article you might find interesting. please feel free to write me with comments. Mystic Passage What I call the Mystic Passage is the journey taken by

    Ancient Grandmothers Speaking Oct. 9, 08

    Hello Everyone, There is so much good information out there now in these times of illusionary difficulty. I decided to ask my Ancient Grandmothers for some advice for all of us and here is their message: “The Light will prevail as it’s the overwhelming desire of most everyone. It’s in their DNA to exist and

    Message from the Grandmothers

    Hello Everyone, I’m settled in as best as can be expected back home. I’m working on sharing a message from The Grandmothers that I work with monthly.. This message was given to me from The Spirits at my last gathering of my Shamanic reunion with my peers walking the spiral journey. That was last weekend.