Message from the Grandmothers
Hello Everyone,
I’m settled in as best as can be expected back home. I’m working on sharing a message from The Grandmothers that I work with monthly.. This message was given to me from The Spirits at my last gathering of my Shamanic reunion with my peers walking the spiral journey. That was last weekend.
“Thank you for bringing us to the Circle. Our aspects are your aspects in the Divine.
We’re the links. We’re connected and are each other… seemingly separated.
Here in this circle we’re united not only with you but with each other creating Divinity manifested.
Right here, right now!!
We’re combining our energies for the sake of the whole, whole you, whole universe.. Be in thanks
These are rare moments in time of sharing, co-creating, bringing to consciousness your greatest desires for manifesting… all things, healing, peace, oneness. This is the family of energies.
We all work well together no matter what the configuration..
It is good to be merged with you and any Earthly matter …That becomes our point in time, here an now.
We will gladly give you all we are, helping you create and transform yourselves, higher and deeper, knowing more, sharing more and endlessly creating.
We are all part of the creation myth of Becoming… That’s always changing.
Becoming, Being, Becoming, Being..over and over.. through all time , all realities
This is the joyousness wherein you reside.
Be with us, sing with us, heal with us.
Create and re-create, for eternity..
This is life,, live it!!